#generative AI related tools


A generative AI that instantly turns text content into visual designs in one-hundredth of the time and cost for your ads, social posts, website content, email headers, and more.


Boost productivity by letting AI automatically find actionable data in your customer conversations and write it to a Google Sheet for you.


ConversAI is the personal AI chat assistant that helps you respond to anything with just one click. Let AI carry the conversation and never run out of interesting things to say!


Build a professional video help center for your company, product, or service with just a few clicks. 👼 Anyone from your team with no technical or video editing knowledge can create how-to videos and video tutorials like help videos, instructional videos, customer service videos, and step-by-step videos within minutes. 🚀 Launch a no-hassle and no-code video knowledge base for your website


Summary Box uses true state-of-the-art AI, which is capable of abstractive summaries. That is, the AI is able to understand information and write summaries in its own words. All it takes is one click to summarize an article.


Say goodbye to expensive consultations, long waits for appointments, and confusing legal texts. With the AI-lawyer platform, you can get expert legal advice and document creation/summarizing/comparison tools anytime, anywhere. Our user-friendly interface speaks plain language, so you don't have to be a legal expert to understand your rights and obligations.


No-Background is an AI great tool for those who need to quickly and accurately remove image backgrounds, without the hassle of manual editing. Our AI-powered service that makes it easy to remove image backgrounds quickly and accurately. The deep learning technology used is based on MODNet, and the entire process is automated. This means the user can forget about manual editing and use the servi


Predict is an AI tool that predicts customer responses on creative assets such as attention and cognition with 95% accuracy. It is built on an industry-leading eye-tracking database and validated through neuroscientific methods.


Learn.xyz is your generative AI-powered learning community. Instantly create a course about any topic, in any language, and get hooked on learning. Join thousands of learners for free and embark on a transformative journey of knowledge acquisition and personal growth. Discover new passions, expand your horizons, and unleash your full potential with Learn.xyz.