DB Pilot

DB Pilot
DB Pilot is a modern and AI-enhanced database GUI that offers a wide range of features to simplify and streamline SQL operations. Key Features: AI-enhanced SQL operations: Utilize an AI assistant to simplify SQL queries, conversion, and explanation. Embedded DuckDB instance: Query different file formats and store results without affecting the production database. Database support: Currently supports PostgreSQL with plans for MySQL and SQLite support. Flexible data management: Easily filter tables, join different data formats, and query remote files. Use Cases: • Simplify SQL operations and enhance productivity with AI-powered assistance. • Manage and query various file formats without affecting the production database. • Efficiently handle PostgreSQL databases with plans to expand support to other databases. • Ensure data privacy while benefiting from AI capabilities in DB Pilot. DB Pilot is a powerful tool that combines modern database GUI with AI assistance to simplify SQL operations and improve data management.




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