
Parabrain is an AI platform that caters to professionals and academics, allowing them to train their own AI with personal notes and papers. This helps transform the AI into an expert in their chosen field. The platform also encourages collaboration and learning by connecting users with other users' AIs, virtual tutors, professors, and thought leaders. Key features include personalized AI training, collaborative learning, a creator platform for users to create their own Parabrain AI models, valuable insights based on user's training data for deep understanding and problem-solving, enhanced productivity through leveraging AI technology, and a community of knowledge sharing for collaboration and innovative ideas. Use cases include professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in their respective fields, individuals looking to enhance productivity using AI technology, researchers and students streamlining knowledge retrieval process using AI models for comprehensive understanding, and knowledge-sharing communities focused on specific domains where users can create and share their own Parabrain AI models. Overall, is a comprehensive platform that promotes continuous learning and growth through personalized training of AIs with personal notes.