Keywords Everwhere

Keywords Everwhere
Keywords Everywhere is a tool that can assist you in finding long-tail phrases with accurate search volume, CPC, and competition data. This tool pulls "People Also Search For" and "Related" keywords from Google & Bing and presents them to you with the volume metrics right inside the search pages. Additionally, Keywords Everywhere uses Google Trends to estimate historical monthly search volumes from 2004. You can view and download volume data at the monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly levels. Furthermore, Keywords Everywhere enables you to view the top 5000 keywords any webpage or website ranks for in the top 20 Google search results along with the estimated traffic it gets. The tool also offers ChatGPT Templates which are detailed prompts generated by Keywords Everywhere to make it easy for you to find and use the best prompts for specific jobs. You can create a persona for your prompt and change its writing style and tone of voice so that the content it creates has a specific brand voice. The more information you provide in




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