
PrepSup is an AI tool designed to assist students in preparing for oral exams by providing customized quizzes and feedback . It aims to help students develop their oral exam skills and boost their confidence. Key Features: Customized Study Sets: Users can create study sets tailored to their education level, language, and specific subject matter. AI Assistant: The AI assistant quizzes students based on the study set, providing immediate feedback and guidance. Feedback and Improvement: Students receive feedback to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, helping them boost their oral exam skills. User-Friendly Interface: The tool is designed to be intuitive and accessible, requiring no technical expertise. Confidence Building: PrepSup aims to alleviate stress and anxiety by providing a controlled and supportive environment for practice. Use Cases: Students preparing for oral exams in various educational settings. Individuals seeking to improve their oral communication skills in a specific language. Language learners aiming to enhance their speaking abilities through focused practice and feedback. PrepSup empowers students to prepare for oral exams effectively and confidently.
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