Marketing related AI Tools

Discover top marketing AI tools! Drive data-driven marketing strategies with advanced solutions for automation, analytics, and personalization. Boost your marketing efforts!


Flowpoint, an AI tool, enhances conversions and ROI via data-driven strategies. It provides funnel tracking, analytics, AI-guided recommendations, conversion optimization and event capturing.


Predict is an AI tool that predicts customer responses on creative assets such as attention and cognition with 95% accuracy. It is built on an industry-leading eye-tracking database and validated through neuroscientific methods.

article is an all-in-one AI marketing platform. With a conversational UI, you can manage all your marketing needs through a single chat interface - powered by your brand’s own intelligence. Here are a few of the many cool things you can do with Contlo AI: 1. Send Email and SMS campaigns via chat - Our AI assists you in end-to-end campaign management and A/B testing while you sit back and re


Octane AI's platform is designed to help Shopify brands increase revenue through personalized product recommendations and zero-party data collection. With interactive product quizzes and the ability to gather valuable customer insights, brands can create more engaging shopping experiences and drive conversions.

article is an AI powered SEO tool that helps users generate keywords, questions, topics, and blog post outlines to create content that is tailored to the target audience's needs. The tool utilizes an AI engine to deep dive into any niche and uncover the keywords and topics that the target audience is searching for. It also automates the process of answering Google's "People Also Ask" question


AI Writer Tool is a free alternative to all AI Content Gegerators. It Helps You Generate Paragraghs in seconds with the Power of AI.


Albert is the only marketing AI software that autonomously plans, executes, tests, optimizes and evolves paid search, social, and programmatic campaigns 24x7.


Affistash helps software companies grow their referral/affiliate revenue by matching them with the marketers they need using AI. Get upvotes, get marketers, recruit affiliates and grow revenue. All in one place.


Marketing works better with personas. But creating them for every project and client? Not fun, at least until now. Create detailed buyer personas fast, extract them from competitors or follow AI suggestions and inspiration, generate professional marketing texts along the way, and paste them into all your websites, emails & marketing tools. Better Marketing Through Personas!