AI-generated photo fooled the judges and won a photo contest
The winning entry in a photography competition organized by Australian company DigiDirect was a drone shot depicting two surfers racing towards each other.
Explore 14 fascinating ideas from the book AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future. Discover how artificial intelligence could transform our lives by 2041, from breakthroughs in deep learning to its impact on jobs, creativity, and clean energy
The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) integrating into our daily lives both inspires and terrifies me. To calm my imagination—often fueled by dystopian sci-fi novels—and to learn more about the technologies we broadly call AI, I decided to read a rather fresh book on the subject: “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future.” The book turned out to be captivating, and I even managed to extract 14 thought-provoking quotes to share in this article.
I didn’t choose this book by chance—it’s a unique blend of fiction and non-fiction. It has two authors: Kai-Fu Lee, former president of Google China and author of AI Superpowers, who wrote the scientific part, and renowned author Chen Qiufan, who contributed fictional stories. In 10 stories with scientific explanations, they illustrate how AI might reshape our world by 2041.
Here are 14 of the most interesting quotes from the book. Some reassured me, others frightened me, while others still left me inspired.
"GPT-3 will likely become a platform—a foundation upon which diverse applications can be built—and this is the most exciting aspect of its immense potential. If its flaws are addressed, GPT-3 could evolve into an effective environment for tens of thousands of developers to create incredible applications, simultaneously enhancing the platform itself and attracting more users, much like Windows and Android did."
"Deep learning is a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence."
"In all supervised learning natural language processing tasks, AI already outperforms most humans."
"Critics of deep learning systems, including GPT-3, often say things like, 'They’ll never have a sense of humor. They’ll never learn to appreciate art, beauty, or love. They’ll never feel lonely or unhappy. They’ll never empathize with people, animals, or the environment. They’ll never enjoy music, fall in love, or cry.' Convincing, isn’t it? Here’s a surprise: these words were written by GPT-3 when asked to critique itself skeptically."
"AI differs from humans. In twenty years, deep learning and its extensions will outperform humans in solving countless tasks, but there will still be plenty that humans can do better than this remarkable technology."
"By 2041, defining happiness will become even more challenging. Thanks to AI-driven technological advances, societal progress will likely enhance the quality of life for most, if not all, people on Earth."
"I dare to predict that in the next twenty years, diagnostic AI will surpass all but the very best diagnosticians. This trend will be most evident in radiology, where computer vision algorithms for certain MRI and CT scans already make diagnoses more accurately than the best radiologists."
"A 2019 study revealed that AI’s role in healthcare is projected to grow by 41.7% annually, reaching $13 billion by 2025. This includes tasks like administration, routine procedures in hospitals, wearable devices, computerized diagnostic tests, treatment planning, virtual assistants, and, most importantly, drug discovery."
"Creativity, empathy, and dexterity—these are the key competitive traits in the age of universal automation."
"I’ve suggested that by 2033, AI and automation will take over around 40% of jobs. Naturally, this won’t happen overnight. Jobs will transition to AI in stages."
"In the new AI-driven economy, professions requiring emotional labor will become the cornerstone."
"In the coming years, people will witness algorithms and robots outperforming them in tasks they’ve spent their whole lives mastering. Youths who grew up dreaming of career paths in their chosen fields may face harsh realities. A sense of meaninglessness and futility in work could engulf people, leading to surges in addiction, depression, and suicides."
"AI and other technologies are driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution and breakthroughs in clean energy. It will help combat adverse climate change and drastically reduce the cost of energy powering our civilization."
"In the 65-year history of AI, there’s been only one qualitative leap: deep learning. To achieve superintelligence, we’ll need at least a dozen such revolutionary breakthroughs, which are unlikely to happen within the next twenty years."
To sum up, the chapters written by the scientist were the most engaging for me. While I’m not qualified to assess the likelihood of his predictions, the arguments were coherent and compelling. That said, some of the claims seemed overly optimistic. It feels like the author deliberately paints a rather positive vision of the future. While Kai-Fu Lee acknowledges the significant transformation of labor markets, education, and lifestyles, along with the challenges that accompany these changes, he maintains a generally optimistic outlook.
Whether these technologies will reshape our lives as profoundly and positively as he suggests is something we might witness soon enough. In the meantime, we can prepare ourselves a bit—and start by reading this book.